North Durham Academy

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Please note all transport policy/criteria is set by Durham County Council and not by North Durham Academy. Home to secondary school transport is administered through Durham County Council.

If you wish to make a complaint about issues regarding school transport can you please contact Durham County Council School Transport Team on 03000 264444 as well as ourselves.

Sometime ago our Academy Trust Board made a decision that all students who live between two and three miles from the North Durham Academy would receive free transport to and from school and that this would be reviewed annually.

Following an Academy Trust Board review of these arrangements, and in line with other secondary schools in our area, we can confirm the following arrangements will be in place from September:

Year 7 students

Students will continue to receive free transport from North Durham Academy. Please see Guide for Parents and Year 7 Concessionary Seat Application Form.

Years 8 to 11 students

Students will be able to apply for a guaranteed concessionary seat at the reduced rate of £0.75 per day (subsidised by the Academy). Durham County Council (DCC) administers this application/payment process. Please see Guide for Parents and Year 8 – 11 Concessionary Seat Application Form.

Students may also qualify for free transport under Durham County Council’s Free School Travel policy if they meet one of the following criteria. If you have already applied for free transport from DCC, you do not need to reapply unless your circumstances have changed. If you do wish to apply, please complete an S20 form, available at guidance documents.

Students who live more than three miles from the Academy and who attend their nearest appropriate school will be entitled to free transport under DCC Home to School Transport Scheme. Distances from your home to the Academy are measured by DCC using the shortest available suitable walking route.

Students who live between two and three miles from the Academy may still qualify for free travel from DCC under Extended Rights. In order to qualify under Extended Rights your child must be either entitled to free school meals or your family must be in receipt of the maximum level of Working Tax Credit.

It is essential that all students carry their pass every day as they will be refused entry to the bus if they do not have it with them.

Travel arrangements will continue to be reviewed annually and all updates will be shared with parents/carers well in advance of implementation. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Cole, Senior Admin Officer.

School Bus Timetables

1008 - Stanley Travel - Red

1127 - Stanley Travel - Yellow

1131A - Stanley Travel - Orange

1131B - Stanley Travel - Green

1132 - Stanley Travel - Cyan

1180 - Stanley Travel - Blue

1202 - Stanley Travel - Pink


New College Durham Academies Trust

The focus on Excellence underpins all that we do whether in learning areas, working within the communities we serve or governing and leading our Academies.

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